Saturday, July 5, 2008

Ada 31

So yesterday in our 5 v. 5 football match, chris and i were having a great time. towards the very end the teams call out a next goal wins. just so you know we are playing indoors and there are some really good footballers out there some of which are in training and literally getting ready for their seasons. at the beginning of the match the opposite team us, had decided to play nothing above the head rule. but what's football with out headers? anyhow they call next goal wins and sure enough we have a 50-50 spill out just behind midcourtside (because it's not an actual field) and as the two players meet the ball bounces upwards just barely at head level. i step right in as they try to call penalty kick, take the ball off my chest to my right foot and send my cousin chris down court. the defender is breathing down chris' neck so he continues the play with a one-two touch down field and smashes it (right foot) into the upper left hand corner. the other team was on their heels trying to appeal for penalty but it was too late the ball was in the net and we were the winners. what a great way to end the game. (all of that above the head stuff was such rubbish anyways, if you asked me or any of the other guys on my team, the chest trap down to quick through pass was just bloody good football!) The best part of the story was that chris and i just relished in that goal all night telling the story over and over and over. He said to me later that evening when going through family tree stuff. "Blood is thicker than water Ben, and that pass was thicker than blood."

Here's one for family!


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